29 November 2007

Oh To Have A Dilemma Like This!

A mate of mine, who has already got a ticket to see the show, got the shock of his life when he received an email offering him a pass code to a ticket! A few frustrating hours of site maintenance later, he had purchased the ticket.
He now has a general admission and a seated ticket!
The question to ask now is: What would you do?
Answers on a postcard.

28 November 2007

Large FBO 'Presence'

Since my last post the numbers of FBOers has swelled to 18!!
It'll be good to finally put a live face to a past trade or email.
Hopefully most will attend The Happening at Southwark Rooms <http://www.squaremeal.co.uk/venues/london/view/23431/Southwark_Rooms> organised by The Friends Of Zep.
5 days and a wakey to go!

26 November 2007

Well the Mothership has landed!

Maybe this will become the setlist for the concert...who knows. Go here: http://www.themothershiphaslanded.com/ and here: http://www.ledzeppelin.com/ (the official Zeppelin site).
I have managed to broker a ticket for a mate who was number two on my list (number one got the ticket, see below). He is suitably over the moon if not thinner in the wallet department!
I have also bought tickets to a pre-concert get together of Zep-heads organised by https://www.friendsofzep.org/, this should be a hoot, especially with Chris's momento as reminder of the evening.
There will be at least three FBOers there: http://www.oldbuckeye.com/badgeholders.html (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For_Badgeholders_Only)
hopefully a few more may trickle in over the next week or too.
I am less than a week away from take-off but the excitement is still eluding me, won't really kick in until the house lights go down!